
Syntax-oriented Corpus of Portuguese Dialects (CORDIAL-SIN) project studied the dialectal syntactic variation of European Portuguese, using a corpus markup and annotation methodology.

The project’s main goals were:

  1. To study the syntax of European Portuguese dialects from a comparative perspective.
  2. To develop and enhance research activity on syntactic dialect variation in Portugal and to increase cooperation with international dialect syntax projects (CORDIAL-SIN participates at the networks Edisyn – European Dialect Syntax e Wedisyn – Dialect Syntax in Westmost Europe).
  3. To build and make available online the Syntax-oriented Corpus of Portuguese Dialects (CORDIAL-SIN). This corpus was updated and improved in a regular basis.
  4. To exploit CLUL’s rich collection of recorded speech (gathered within the scope of several linguistic geography projects) as a source for the study of syntax, thus contributing to the dissemination of these audio materials among the scientific community.
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